3 Committee considerations

The evidence


NICE did a rapid review of the published literature on the efficacy and safety of this procedure. This comprised a comprehensive literature search and detailed review of the evidence from 5 sources on interstitial cystitis, and 4 sources on overactive bladder, which was discussed by the committee. The evidence on interstitial cystitis included 1 randomised prospective study, 2 cohort studies, 1 single-arm trial and 1 case report. The evidence on overactive bladder included 4 prospective cohort studies. It is presented in the summary of key evidence section in the interventional procedures overview. Other relevant literature is in the appendix of the overview.


The committee considered the key efficacy outcomes to be patient reported outcomes, quality of life and an extended period of symptomatic relief.


Patient commentary was sought but none was received.

Committee comments


The committee noted that the evidence for this procedure was mixed and included different medicines and variations in electric current, duration of procedure and the number of procedures per person.


The committee was informed that the procedure needs to be repeated multiple times, and this may be needed frequently.

ISBN: 978-1-4731-6721-6