4 Recommendations for further research

4.1 Research is recommended on the prevalence of lung nodules in people who have a chest CT scan because of signs or symptoms that suggest lung cancer.

4.2 Research in, and outside of, targeted lung cancer screening is recommended on:

  • the accuracy of AI-Rad Companion Chest CT, AVIEW LCS+, ClearRead CT, contextflow SEARCH Lung CT, InferRead CT Lung, Lung AI, qCT‑Lung, SenseCare‑Lung Pro, Veolity, Veye Lung Nodules, and VUNO Med-LungCT AI plus clinician review compared with clinician review alone to detect, measure and assess the growth of lung nodules

  • the effect of using the software on clinical decision making

  • the effect of using the software on scan review and reporting time.

    Studies should ideally compare more than 1 software and should report per-person results. They should also consider reporting data separately for subgroups, if using the technologies may be particularly useful or less effective for those subgroups. For example:

  • people with underlying lung conditions, and people whose family background means they are more likely to have subsolid nodules

  • scans reviewed by more experienced and less experienced reviewers

  • outside of targeted screening, people who had CT scans:

    • with contrast

    • without contrast.