Corporate document
All guidance can be found within one of the following 5 categories (see screenshot 6). Each option has a version beneath it that excludes withdrawn guidance. The 3 available delivery formats appear at the top of each page for all content and are fully editable. Three examples of code samples on how to call the API are at the foot of each page – curl, JavaScript and c#.
Guidance by date.
Guidance index.
Guidance programmes.
Guidance taxonomy.
Guidance structured documents by date.
There is also a link to an information for the public index (see the section on the information for the public index).
Our requirements on use statistics and attribution can be found in appendix B and appendix C, respectively.
Option 1: guidance by date
From here, you can search for NICE guidance issued during a specific time period (see screenshot 7). While these are not listed alphabetically, you can select and create sub-lists using a keyword search. The date format should be 'dd-mm-yyyy'.
Clicking on 'guidance by date' will take you to a generic product page with access to all selection options and available formats, including the 'structured' result option available in guidance structured documents by date.
Individual guidance can then be accessed in 3 ways:
by chapter (for example, 'Recommendations for research' within 'Lower urinary tract symptoms for men'; see screenshot 8). Clicking on a chapter section takes you to the text with links and code samples.
by complete document, with the content forming a single HTML fragment with links to other documents and code samples.
by structured document, with all guidance content as discrete elements within a single resource with links, text and code samples. Unlike the complete document, the structured document has distinct chapter and section xml tags.
By selecting one of the 3 delivery formats at the top of each page, updated content will automatically download to your system.
Option 2: guidance index
The guidance index is a list of all current guidance by title (not alphabetical, but you can select and create sub-lists using a keyword search).
The guidance itself is then broken down with identical entry points to option 1 (chapters, complete document, and structured document).
Option 3: guidance programmes
From January 2015, guidance programmes are available with links to all current and future guidance (see box 1).
Within each programme, titles are listed by topic, which will then break down into chapters, complete chapters, structured document and custom document. You can also create sub-lists using a keyword search.
Option 4: guidance taxonomy
NICE content can also be searched by topic category. The current categories are: conditions and diseases, health and social care delivery, health protection, lifestyle and wellbeing, population groups, and settings. These categories absorb the historic categories and a breakdown of each category can be found in appendix D.
Option 5: guidance structured documents by date
Search for guidance issued between 2 dates (see screenshot 10). Clicking on individual guidance then takes you to the structured document.
Downloading guidance in PDF format
On individual main guidance summary pages only, you will see in the 'available data formats' section at the top of the page an option to download content as a PDF (see screenshot 11). This mirrors what is offered on the NICE website.