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Guidance programme (1 selected)

Guidance programme

Showing 1 to 13 of 13

Guidance, NICE advice and quality standards in development
TitleTypeExpected publication date
Digital technologies for self-management of osteoarthritis and joint pain: early value assessmentHealth technology evaluation
Digital therapy for chronic tic disorders and Tourette syndrome: early value assessmentHealth technology evaluation
GID-MT567 Evoke Spinal Cord Stimulator for managing chronic neuropathic or ischaemic painMedical technologies guidanceTBC
Intermittent urethral catheters for long-term urinary management in adults : Late Stage AssessmentHealth technology evaluation
Non-invasive skin closure devices for surgical incisions (MT775)Medical technologies guidanceTBC
Peezy Midstream for urine collection (MT446)Medical technologies guidanceTBC
Robot-assisted surgery for orthopaedic procedures: early value assessmentHealth technology evaluation
Robot-assisted surgery for soft-tissue procedures: early value assessmentHealth technology evaluation
Slide sheets for repositioning or moving a person on or from a bed: Late Stage AssessmentHealth technology evaluation
SpaceOAR hydrogel spacer for reducing rectal toxicity during radiotherapy for prostate cancer (Suspended – referred to technology appraisals)Medical technologies guidanceTBC
Surgical vessel sealing systems (MT798)Medical technologies guidanceTBC
Topical antimicrobial dressings for infected leg ulcers in people aged 16 and over: Late stage assessmentHealth technology evaluation
Zio XT for detecting cardiac arrhythmiasMedical technologies guidanceTBC

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