Information for the public

This procedure can only be done as part of a research study. This is because there is not enough evidence to be sure how well it works. Your healthcare professional should talk to you about the research. 

Interstitial cystitis (also known as bladder pain syndrome) is a chronic inflammatory condition of the bladder. Overactive bladder is a problem with the detrusor muscles in the walls of your bladder. They can both cause a strong urge to pee, frequent peeing and excessive peeing at night.  

In this procedure, a medicine, or a combination of medicines, is put into the bladder (intravesical) using a thin tube (catheter) inserted through the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body). A generator connected to the catheter by a wire is used to deliver a small electrical current (electrically stimulated) to the end of the catheter in the bladder. The aim of this procedure is to increase the amount of medicine absorbed, which could mean the medicine would work better than in procedures without electrical stimulation, and to reduce symptoms.  

Is this procedure right for me? 

You should be included in making decisions about your care. 

Your healthcare professionals should explain the risks and benefits of this procedure and how it is done. They should discuss your options and listen carefully to your views and concerns. They should offer you more information about the procedure. Your family or carers can be involved if you want or need them to be. 

You will be asked to decide whether you agree (consent) to have the procedure. Find out more about giving consent to treatment on the NHS website. 

Some questions to think about 

  • How many appointments will I need? 
  • What are the possible benefits? How likely am I to get them? 
  • What are the risks or side effects? How likely are they? 
  • Will I have to stay in hospital? 
  • What happens if it does not work or something goes wrong? 
  • What happens if I do not want the procedure? 
  • Are other treatments available? 

Information and support 

The NHS webpage on interstitial cystitis may be a good place to find out more.  

Bladder Health UK (0121 702 0820) can give you advice and support.

You can also get support from your local Healthwatch. 

ISBN: 978-1-4731-6722-3

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