A modular update is a review of methods and/or processes informing NICE’s guidance, that may result in an update to our manuals.

We use a framework for these updates to keep our methods flexible and responsive to changes in health and care. This framework ensures consistency in updating our manuals and helps prioritise important updates. It also allows for suggestions from external stakeholders in identifying the candidates for modular updates. This ensures that the manuals continue to meet our users' needs.

How do we choose and prioritise updates?

There are 3 main ways to determine and prioritise the need for modular updates:

  • updates needed to deliver business priorities
  • updates needed to reflect changes to how NICE operates
  • updates selected from suggestions by internal and external stakeholders.

public board paper, developed and reviewed by a cross-NICE working group, sets out how we will:

  • identify and prioritise modular updates to the manuals
  • review the evidence and propose changes to the manuals
  • engage and consult with stakeholders
  • implement the modular updates. 

NICE is responsible for the final decision, when selecting which methods and process areas are suitable for a modular update.

The process

How you can suggest a modular update

An online form will be made available for stakeholders to submit candidates for modular updates for 2 months each year (typically October to November). When available, the form will collect the following information:

  • respondent details (name, organisation, email, role)
  • stakeholder group that the respondent represents (e.g. health care professional, academia)
  • manual to be updated and any relevant sections, if known
  • brief description of issue
  • links with, or funding from, the tobacco industry
  • supporting information.

Modular updates in progress

TitleDescriptionScoping document / consultation
Health inequalities  This update will provide guidance on how to include health inequalities considerations in technology evaluations and guidelines. It will focus on measuring health inequalities, considering evidence of how health interventions affect these inequalities, and how best to use this evidence in decision-making. Health inequalities update scope (Word)
Consultation: health inequalities modular update You can now review and comment on the health inequalities modular update of NICE Health Technology Evaluations: the manual (PMG36).  View the health inequalities consultation

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