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Published guidance, NICE advice and quality standards
TitleReference numberPublishedLast updated
Meningitis (bacterial) and meningococcal diseaseQS19
Skin cancerQS130
Neonatal infectionQS75
Epilepsies in children, young people and adultsQS211
Transition from children's to adults' servicesQS140
Acute respiratory infection in over 16s: initial assessment and management including virtual wards (hospital at home)QS210
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in adultsQS10
Spinal metastases and metastatic spinal cord compressionQS56
Alcohol-use disorders: diagnosis and managementQS11
Depression in adultsQS8
Cardiovascular risk assessment and lipid modificationQS100
Head injuryQS74
Acute kidney injuryQS76
Type 1 diabetes in adultsQS208
Type 2 diabetes in adultsQS209
Urinary tract infections in adultsQS90
Antenatal careQS22
Diabetes in pregnancyQS109
Chronic heart failure in adultsQS9
Hip fracture in adultsQS16
Tobacco: treating dependenceQS207
Osteoarthritis in over 16sQS87
Postnatal careQS37
Urinary tract infection in children and young peopleQS36
Fever in under 5sQS64
Vaccine uptake in under 19sQS145
Diabetes in children and young peopleQS125
Joint replacement (primary): hip, knee and shoulderQS206
Neonatal parenteral nutritionQS205
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorderQS204
Colorectal cancerQS20
Prostate cancerQS91
Urinary incontinence in womenQS77
Brain tumours (primary) and brain metastases in over 16sQS203
Inducing labourQS60
Workplace health: long-term sickness absence and capability to workQS202
End of life care for adultsQS13
Venous thromboembolism in adultsQS201
Caesarean birthQS32
Supporting adult carersQS200
Abortion careQS199
Suspected neurological conditions: recognition and referralQS198
Acute coronary syndromes in adultsQS68
Heavy menstrual bleedingQS47
Community pharmacies: promoting health and wellbeingQS196
Faltering growthQS197
Decision making and mental capacityQS194
Renal and ureteric stonesQS195
Specialist neonatal respiratory care for babies born pretermQS193
Intrapartum care: existing medical conditions and obstetric complicationsQS192
Cerebral palsy in adultsQS191
Flu vaccination: increasing uptakeQS190
Rheumatoid arthritis in over 16sQS33
Lung cancer in adultsQS17
Suicide preventionQS189
Multiple pregnancy: twin and triplet pregnanciesQS46
Coexisting severe mental illness and substance misuseQS188
Preterm labour and birthQS135
Patient experience in adult NHS servicesQS15
Service user experience in adult mental health servicesQS14
Learning disability: behaviour that challengesQS101
Learning disability: care and support of people growing olderQS187
Hypertension in pregnancyQS35
Hearing loss in adultsQS185
Lyme diseaseQS186
Physical activity: encouraging activity in the communityQS183
Air pollution: outdoor air quality and healthQS181
People's experience using adult social care servicesQS182
Child abuse and neglectQS179
Serious eye disordersQS180
Sexual healthQS178
Pancreatic cancerQS177
Oesophago-gastric cancerQS176
Renal replacement therapy services for adultsQS72
Eating disordersQS175
Emergency and acute medical care in over 16sQS174
Intermediate care including reablementQS173
Medicines management for people receiving social care in the communityQS171
Cystic fibrosisQS168
Developmental follow-up of children and young people born pretermQS169
Promoting health and preventing premature mortality in black, Asian and other minority ethnic groupsQS167
Drug misuse preventionQS165
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorderQS39
Mental health of adults in contact with the criminal justice systemQS163
Parkinson's diseaseQS164
Atrial fibrillationQS93
Suspected cancerQS124
Familial hypercholesterolaemiaQS41
Cerebral palsy in children and young peopleQS162
Transition between inpatient mental health settings and community or care home settingsQS159
End of life care for infants, children and young peopleQS160
Physical health of people in prisonsQS156
HIV testing: encouraging uptakeQS157
Rehabilitation after critical illness in adultsQS158
Chronic kidney disease in adultsQS5
Low back pain and sciatica in over 16sQS155
Liver diseaseQS152
Violent and aggressive behaviours in people with mental health problemsQS154
Oral health in care homesQS151
Haematological cancersQS150
Head and neck cancerQS146
Healthy workplaces: improving employee mental and physical health and wellbeingQS147
Community engagement: improving health and wellbeingQS148
Care of dying adults in the last days of lifeQS144
Intrapartum careQS105
Stable anginaQS21
Falls in older peopleQS86
Learning disability: identifying and managing mental health problemsQS142
Blood transfusionQS138
Oral health promotion in the communityQS139
Mental wellbeing and independence for older peopleQS137
Transition between inpatient hospital settings and community or care home settings for adults with social care needsQS136
Coeliac diseaseQS134
Children's attachmentQS133
Intravenous fluid therapy in children and young people in hospitalQS131
Social care for older people with multiple long-term conditionsQS132
Early years: promoting health and wellbeing in under 5sQS128
Obesity: clinical assessment and managementQS127
Motor neurone diseaseQS126
Bronchiolitis in childrenQS122
Home care for older peopleQS123
Breast cancerQS12
Antimicrobial stewardshipQS121
Stroke in adultsQS2
Medicines optimisationQS120
Food allergyQS118
Preventing excess winter deaths and illness associated with cold homesQS117
Domestic violence and abuseQS116
Antenatal and postnatal mental healthQS115
Bipolar disorder in adultsQS95
Healthcare-associated infectionsQS113
Irritable bowel syndrome in adultsQS114
Gastro-oesophageal reflux in children and young peopleQS112
Obesity in adults: prevention and lifestyle weight management programmesQS111
Pneumonia in adultsQS110
Preventing unintentional injury in under 15sQS107
Multiple sclerosisQS108
Bladder cancerQS106
Gallstone diseaseQS104
Acute heart failureQS103
Bipolar disorder, psychosis and schizophrenia in children and young peopleQS102
Secondary prevention after a myocardial infarctionQS99
Hypertension in adultsQS28
Drug allergyQS97
Obesity in children and young people: prevention and lifestyle weight management programmesQS94
Dyspepsia and gastro‑oesophageal reflux disease in adultsQS96
Nutrition: improving maternal and child nutritionQS98
Personality disorders: borderline and antisocialQS88
Pressure ulcersQS89
Medicines management in care homesQS85
Alcohol: preventing harmful use in the communityQS83
Physical activity: for NHS staff, patients and carersQS84
Smoking: reducing and preventing tobacco useQS82
Inflammatory bowel diseaseQS81
Psychosis and schizophrenia in adultsQS80
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in adultsQS79
Fertility problemsQS73
Transient loss of consciousness ('blackouts') in over 16sQS71
Bedwetting in children and young peopleQS70
Ectopic pregnancy and miscarriageQS69
Intravenous fluid therapy in adults in hospitalQS66
Varicose veins in the legsQS67
Hepatitis BQS65
Delirium in adultsQS63
Constipation in children and young peopleQS62
Infection prevention and controlQS61
Antisocial behaviour and conduct disorders in children and young peopleQS59
Sickle cell diseaseQS58
Jaundice in newborn babies under 28 daysQS57
Cancer services for children and young peopleQS55
Anxiety disordersQS53
Faecal incontinence in adultsQS54
Peripheral arterial diseaseQS52
Mental wellbeing of older people in care homesQS50
Surgical site infectionQS49
Depression in children and young peopleQS48
Lower urinary tract symptoms in menQS45
Atopic eczema in under 12sQS44
Headaches in over 12sQS42
Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding in adultsQS38
Looked-after children and young peopleQS31
Nutrition support in adultsQS24
Drug use disorders in adultsQS23
Ovarian cancerQS18

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