Resource impact statement

No significant resource impact is anticipated

NICE has recommended Memokath 051 Ureter as an option to manage ureteric obstruction in adults with:

  • malignant ureteric obstruction and anticipated medium- or long-term survival after adjunctive therapy
  • benign ureteric obstruction who cannot have or do not want reconstructive surgery
  • any type of ureteric obstruction, and they cannot have or do not want a double J stent, or when repeat procedures are particularly high risk.

Data should be collected prospectively on ureteric stent procedures, including details of patient selection, choice of stent placement procedure and stent used, and adverse events such as stent migration and encrustation rates.

The guidance states that the cost consequences of adopting Memokath 051 are uncertain. The evidence suggested higher complication rates with Memokath 051 than previously reported in the original NICE guidance. The recommended data collection would help to address the uncertainty in the costs of adopting Memokath 051.

We do not expect this guidance to have a significant impact on resources because the original guidance recommendations have not changed. NICE medical technologies guidance (MTG35) identified certain patient groups where Memokath 051 should be considered as an option for treating ureteric obstruction. This update identifies the same patient groups. The committee agreed that the new evidence supports the original guidance.

The cost of Memokath 051 used in the company’s submission for the original guidance was £1,690 (excluding VAT) and has not changed since then. The cost included the Memokath 051 stent, a guidewire and a dilator-insertion sheath.

This medical technology is commissioned by integrated care systems. Providers are NHS hospital trusts.

ISBN: 978-1-4731-4843-7

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