We work with the adult and children's care sectors to develop independent recommendations for social care. We also develop health and public health advice and guidance, which allows an integrated approach to supporting people and meeting their needs.
To find out more about what we do and how you can help to shape our guidance:

Our social care guidelines make evidence-based recommendations on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of interventions and services. They're co-produced with social care experts.
Our clinical guidance and public health topics also contain recommendations you may find relevant. You can browse by adults' social care or children's social care.
Quality standards
Our social care quality standards are practical tools to help deliver good health and wellbeing for users of adult and children's social services.
They help people understand the quality of services and care they should expect. Providers and commissioners use them to assess performance and make improvements.
Tools and resources
- The 'Unlocking capacity: smarter together' resource helps health and adult social care work better together. It shows how collaborative working can improve outcomes for people and make better use of limited resources.
Quick guides to social care topics
These are short, visual guides containing key information about social care topics. They have been co-produced with The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). -
Quality improvement resource for adult social care
The quality improvement resource (Excel) maps our quality statements and medicines recommendations against the Care Quality Commission key lines of enquiry. -
Using NICE guidance in social work
A range of fictional scenarios which show how our guidelines and quality standards could be used by principal social workers in social work practice. -
Mapping NICE guidelines to the Care Quality Commission’s single assessment framework
This resource maps NICE guidelines to these Care Quality Commission (CQC) quality statements. -
Social care: SCIE for NICE (YouTube playlist)
Produced in collaboration with SCIE, this YouTube playlist has links to webinars, podcasts and vlogs on a range of social care topics. - Developed by Skills for Care, NICE and SCIE, this toolkit brings together best practice recommendations, resources, and practical examples to help social care providers prepare for CQC inspection.
- Links to specific guideline recommendations and supporting information about child protection best practice.
- Find content to use in your training, including links to guidance and standards, resources to download, and tips on finding guidance.
NICE social work series: how is evidence and NICE guidance relevant to social work? (YouTube playlist)
This series of videos has been developed for social work students and educators. The videos focus on evidence-informed social work practice. They may also be of interest to all qualified social workers and social workers completing research.