These are the main stages in the single technology appraisal (STA) process.
Timings are approximate. For a full description of the appraisal process, please see our Health Technology Evaluation manual.
Topics are referred to us by ministers following the topic selection process.
We started using this process in April 2018.
Development starts
We invite relevant stakeholders to take part in the appraisal.
All non-company consultees have 8 weeks to submit a statement on the potential clinical and cost effectiveness of a treatment.
Find out more about consultee submissions
Organisations can apply to become a consultee or commentator at any point of the process up to final draft guidance publication.
Request for evidence
We ask the intervention technology company to produce a submission of all relevant evidence - published and unpublished - for the appraisal.
They have 8 weeks to produce the company submission.
Information added to the NICE website
We add the remit, scope and a list of stakeholders to the website.
The remit is the brief for the appraisal. The scope sets out what the technology appraisal will cover and the questions that need to be addressed.
Request for clinical, commissioning and patient experts
We ask the stakeholders to send in their nominations. The NICE team and the chair of the appraisal committee selects experts from those nominated.
Experts can submit statements and attend the appraisal committee meeting to present their views.
Expert invitations
We invite the selected clinical, commissioning and patient experts to attend the appraisal committee. We ask them to submit written evidence on the technology, the way it should be used in the NHS in England, and current management of the condition.
Deadline for evidence submissions
Evidence review begins
An independent academic centre (called the Evidence Assessment Group) critiques the company's evidence submission and prepares a report on the clinical- and cost-effectiveness of the technology. This is called the EAG report.
Request for clarification sent to company
If the evidence submission is incomplete, we consult with the Evidence Review Group and send a letter of clarification to the company.
The company has 10 working days to respond.
Evidence report (EAG) received by NICE
EAG report sent to company for information
Deadline for receipt of the expert statements
Draft technical report sent to stakeholders for technical engagement
Consultees and commentators and experts can share their views on the technical report.
The technical report is produced by the technical team at NICE. It is based on initial consideration of:
- the company submission
- the ERG report
- consultee and commentator and expert statements
- discussions with the company or experts about the appraisal.
Stakeholders have 20 working days to submit comments.
Documents sent to the appraisal committee
The appraisal committee is an independent advisory committee that makes the recommendations.
We send attendees:
- the ERG report and any comments
- the company submission
- written submissions from non-company consultees
- personal statements from patient, clinical and commissioning experts
- the final scope of the appraisal and the list of stakeholders
- technical report
- comments received during technical engagement.
We don’t send the papers to any members of the public who have registered to attend the meeting.
Appraisal committee meet to consider the evidence
We hold an appraisal committee meeting to consider the committee papers and hear from nominated clinical, patient and NHS commissioning experts.
The committee decides whether to produce final recommendations, known as a final appraisal document (FAD) or draft recommendations known as an appraisal consultation document (ACD).
The FAD is the final draft of the guidance and not open to comment (see week 35).
If an ACD is needed we send the document out for comment (see week 33).
We only produce an ACD when the recommendations from the appraisal committee don’t recommend use of the technology, or limit the use of the technology beyond the specifications in the marketing authorisation.
Part 1 of this meeting is open to members of the public and press.
For non-cancer topics, the committee meeting cannot go ahead until the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) opinion is published.
If a final appraisal document (FAD) is produced
FAD and supporting documents sent out to stakeholders
Consultees have 15 days to appeal against the final recommendations in the FAD.
FAD published
We publish the FAD and supporting documents on our website for information. -
Close of appeal period
If no appeals have been received, the guidance is prepared for publication. If appeals have been received, the appeals process is followed.
Technology appraisal published
If there are no appeals we issue the final recommendations as NICE guidance.
We publish the technology appraisal on the NICE website and incorporate it into NICE Pathways. Registered stakeholders are notified by email.
When the guidance is published we give a date for it to be reviewed. This is when we consult with relevant organisations about whether the guidance needs to be updated.
Find out more about the review process
This is the earliest possible point that final guidance can be issued.
If an appraisal consultation document (ACD) is produced
ACD and supporting documents sent out for comment
Stakeholders have 20 working days to submit comments on the draft recommendations.
Public consultation on the ACD
The ACD and supporting documents are published on the website for comment. The consultation is open for 15 working days.
Anyone can submit comments during the consultation.
Consultation on the ACD ends
Appraisal committee meet to develop the FAD
The appraisal committee considers the comments received on the ACD, then makes its final recommendations on how the technology should be used in the NHS in England. This is the FAD.
Part 1 of the meeting is open to members of the public and press.
FAD and supporting documents sent to stakeholders
Consultees have 15 working days to appeal against the final recommendations in the FAD.
Find out more about the appeals process
FAD published
We publish the FAD and supporting documents on our website for information.
Close of appeal period
If no appeals have been received, the guidance is prepared for publication. If appeals have been received, the appeals process is followed.
Technology appraisal published
If there are no appeals we issue the final recommendations as NICE guidance.
We publish the technology appraisal on the NICE website. Registered stakeholders are notified by email.
When the guidance is published we give a date for it to be reviewed. This is when we consult with relevant organisations about whether the guidance needs to be updated.